71. Carleton Village

Location: Breakwater Road
Shoreline: sandy beach, looks towards McNutts Island, which is close by and an easy paddle from here.
Type of access : Public gravel road
Parking: yes
Public beach
Topographic reference: 20p/11(Lockeport)
Marine chart # 4241 (Lockeport-Cape Sable) or #4209 (Lockeport and Shelburne Harbour)
UTM grid: E0310465  N4830147 (30)
Latitude: N 43° 39.622′ /Longitude: W 65° 19.669′
Public access

Shelburne Harbour is approximately 7 km long, itself making an interesting paddle and lots to explore. Cape Roseway Lighthouse is the third oldest lighthouse built in Nova Scotia, although the original lighthouse burnt. There is much to see and do on the island, from the government wharf where you land to the other end of the island where the lighthouse stands is a four mile walk. On your way to the lighthouse is an abandoned Coastal Battery built during the Second World War, it is easily missed as it is  now disguised by overgrown trees and bushes.

Paddlers may camp overnight near the Government Wharf, usually during the summer months.