93. Louis Head Beach

Location: Louis Head Beach just across the road from Louis Head Campgrounds
Shoreline: sandy beach
Type of access: gravel road to beach parking area across from campgrounds
Parking: yes
Government wharf: no
Public slipway: no
Public concrete ramp: no
Topographic reference: 20 p/14 (Shelburne)
Marine chart #: 4240 (Liverpool-Lockeport)
UTM grid:  E0337802  N4845960
Latitude: 43° 45.034′ N/Longitude: 65° 00.848′ W
 Public beach area.
Louis Head Beach is one of the Piping Plover protected beaches in Shelburne County. Please read the signs and exercise caution near the nesting area.
For more information on Plovers: http://www.bsc-eoc.org/volunteer/nsplover/