74. Birchtown Bay

Location: Birchtown Bay is located in Shelburne Harbour
Shoreline: mixed
Type of access: gravel road
Parking: no
Government Wharf: no
Public slipway: no
Public concrete ramp: no
Topographic reference: 20p/11 (Lockeport)
Marine chart # 4241 (Lockeport-Cape Sable) or # 4209 (Lockeport and Shelburne Harbour)
UTM grid:
Latitude: /Longitude :
Name of owner: Black Loyalist Heritage Society
Private exit: yes
Private access: yes

Birchtown Bay is another beautiful paddling coastline to explore, it is separated from Shelburne Harbour by Harts Point, be sure to include the bay in your paddle of Shelburne Harbour.  Boulder Cove Cottages are easily paddled to from Shelburne Harbour or Birchtown Bay, Visit their web site: www.bouldercove.com

Birchtown was once the largest Black Loyalist community in Nova Scotia, stop in and visit the Black Loyalist Old School Museum.

Web site : www.blackloyalist.com