The objective (mission) of the Southwest Paddlers Association is to promote recreational paddling in southwestern Nova Scotia and implement policies that further that objective.
Throughout the year, there are paddling-related programs, services, club paddles, and training sessions. Camaraderie is huge, along with sharing of information and skills. Members receive emails with information regularly. We also host a Facebook page that is open to anyone interested in paddling, but joining the FB page is not the same as becoming a card-carrying member! (Nor are club activities always posted there.) Your $20 membership goes a long way!
- From October to March, we have monthly meetings on a Sunday, usually potluck, and alternating in different locations in Aregyle, Tusket and Arcadia. Following lunch there’s always a program & slide show on a variety of topics from paddling trips to building a boat, sharing our ideas about safety, trips, gear, etc. Programs are educational and fun.
- From April to September, we organize day trips once a month, usually followed by a picnic or BBQ. This includes the annual day trip from Quinan to Canaan on the Tusket River that’s taken place for over 20 years on the first Sat in August. Suitable for all kinds of watercraft.
- Networking with other paddlers is HUGE. Great way to meet new friends, line up a trip or two, exchange ideas and paddling tips etc.
- We subsidize the costs of members taking Wilderness First Aid courses by contributing $75 towards the cost. Check here for upcoming courses.
- Assistance is also available ($35) to take a virtual Cold Water Course from the Canadian Safe Boating Council
- We have a Bothy Bag that’s free for members to borrow. It’s like a parachute tent that can quickly provide on-shore protection from wind, rain etc.
- Training: members often stage “practice & learn” sessions, sharing skills and water safety programs, e.g., wet exits for kayakers; basic canoeing skills; Big Boat sessions (Voyageur canoe) etc.
- During 2025, training sessions will be offered for White Water Canoe Paddling and also to train leaders in Adaptive Paddling. Information will be sent to members.
- Big boat “co-operators” is available to rent pending certain criteria are met. The agreement can be found under the tab “Big Boat Project.”