The Cape is easily accessible from Eastern Canada’s most southerly point of land The Hawk.
The Cape Light is the tallest in Nova Scotia, standing at 101 feet.
When landing at The Cape it is possible to land at the northern end of Ratcliffe Hills near Fish Inlet and walk up towards the lighthouse if you so desire, even at high tide there is a beach stone pathway. The walk from here to the lighthouse is a bit over 3 miles. Another landing place is the northern end of the island near where the lighthouse is located (Stevens Point).  The Hawk Inlet runs through here. To the back of the island is the Cape Channel or Horse Race, as it is referred to locally, can be a dangerous place to paddle. Be cautious of easterly winds!
Paddlers are welcome to tent overnight here. visit : The Cape is excellent birding, a wide variety of shorebirds are found here, respect their habitat!